Should you turn on the fan while working out?

Fact Checked

Tonya McIntosh

Tonya McIntosh—The main person behind TGFFitness as its Founder and Chief Editor. Get to know more about Tonya


You are working out in a poorly ventilated gym while sweating profusely, and you wonder, is it bad to have a fan on while working out?

In this article, I will deconstruct false narratives about turning the fan on while working out. I will analyze the issue from an objective lens to explain the pros and cons of turning the fan on while working out.

Does sweating during a workout burn calories?

No, the biggest myth surrounding the use of fans while working out is linked with sweating. It is a common belief that sweating is directly linked to burning body fat or burning more calories.

Sweat has a vital role in the functioning of the human body. However, it has no direct link with fat loss.

In reality, body fat acts as a reserved energy source that, when used by the body, is turned into by-products like Carbon dioxide, which is exhaled from the body.

The primary function of sweat is to regulate body temperature. Whenever the body temperature exceeds normal, the body begins sweat production as it coats the outer layer of the skin, and its subsequent evaporation results in a cooling effect.

As a result, the body temperature drops, and the body resumes normal function.

A secondary function of body sweat is the release of toxins such as urea from the body. These toxins are excreted with sweat, which may be necessary for normal functioning.

Sweating excessively, therefore, is not an indicator of fat loss or a good workout. As explained, sweating may play an important role, but an argument linking it to fat loss may be far-reaching.

Does sweating more reduce the efficiency of workouts?

A good gym is a well-ventilated gym. Using a fan while working out will create an excellent ventilation flow, allowing fresh air to enter the environment and giving you adequate oxygen to perform at your best.

Not doing so could result in a suffocating and humid environment and could result in athletes fainting. This may be especially dangerous when using heavy weights and may cause injuries.

Poor ventilation and consequent sweating may result in other adverse effects. Excessive sweating can result in dehydration which can cause heatstroke and cause your muscles to cramp due to the lack of fluids.

Using a fan to regulate ventilation may give you that extra push to finally hit that personal record you have been chasing for a long time.

Are there any benefits to working out with a fan?

The body functions best at a temperature of 20-25 degrees Celcius. Contrary to popular belief, excessive sweating may not be helping you reach your goals; instead, it may be hindering your performance and limiting you from achieving your targets.

Using a fan while working out can help regulate temperatures and can allow the human body to dedicate more energy to the workout instead of regulating temperature.

The best time not to use a fan

It may seem that using a fan may be the best move for all the athletes looking to burn some calories and reach their goals. However, there are specific scenarios where using a fan may not be the best option.

At what temperature should you not use a fan?

The same concept used to support the use of fans may be applied here too. If you are working out in cool weather, then using a fan may have the same adverse effects mentioned above.

The key is to maintain the ideal body temperature. If the temperature is already cold and you decide to use the fan, the body will divert energy to raise your body temperature.

For the body to raise the temperature, it will make you shiver involuntarily. Shivering may expend unnecessary energy that otherwise could have been conserved to use during the workout and make you perform better.

Muscle Fatigue and injuries

Building on the previous point, using a fan in cool environments may further drop your body’s temperature.

This may create a hindrance in warming up the body to perform to its peak ability. Without a warmup, you may risk increasing muscle fatigue and injuries.

Without a warmed-up body, muscles may remain tight, which could cause tears in the muscle or the tendons and ligaments. This can also increase muscle fatigue and recovery time.

Can you use any fan for workouts?

No, you cannot use any fan for workouts. Some fans may be too weak to provide enough airflow, while others may be too strong and create too much wind resistance.

Do you need a $250 smart fan to cool you down during workouts?

You do not need to invest in a $250 smart fan to cool off during your workouts. A regular fan will do the job just fine. It is more of a personal preference and how much you are willing to spend.

But, If you are unsure about what fan to purchase, here is a list of fans you can check out on Amazon.

Benefits of sweating

Excessive sweating may be extremely dangerous while working out. That doesn’t mean, however, that you should fear sweating. If the environment is such that it induces a regular amount of sweating, then turning the fan on may not be the best decision.

Sweating has several benefits too. It may help blood circulation, excretion of toxins, and improve breathing by clearing the lungs. It may also improve the skin’s quality making it more vibrant and glowing.

Sweating is a sign that your body is functioning normally, so it is not something you would need to be scared of. It is only excessive sweating that may be dangerous to your health.


Is the use of an Air conditioner bad while working out?

The same principle applies. An air conditioner can be used if the fan alone does not create a comfortable temperature for you while working out. There are no added side effects for turning it on.


There is no “one fits all” answer to the question, “should you turn the fan on while working out.”

The answer depends on the existing environment in which you work out. The goal is to maintain a comfortable body temperature.

A fan will be ideal if the environment is humid and hot. If you are working out in a cooler environment, a fan would have adverse effects and may not be helpful.

The key is to allow the body to sweat, but not excessively, so healthy fluid and temperature levels can be maintained.

Chief Editor
Tonya McIntosh

Hello there! My name is Tonya McIntosh, and I’m the Founder and Chief Editor of TGFFitness. I’m also a NASM-certified Nutrition Coach and Personal Trainer. With eight years of experience under my belt, I’ve found that one of the most common issues my clients struggle with is remaining consistent.

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