Press Kit

Find brand logos, fonts, colors, and more assets below. Email us for additional info or materials.


Download TGFFitness logos in various formats and colors for use in your publications.








The TGFFitness brand fonts are Poppins and Source Sans Pro. See specifications here.


Poppins Regular

0123456789.,:;!?()-@#” “


Source Sans Pro

0123456789.,:;!?()-@#” “

Color Palette

Our signature color palette includes rich blue and electric blue hues.


Dark Blue


Rich Electric Blue


Light Blue


Dark Gray



Bio of

Meet TGFFitness founder Tonya McIntosh, a certified trainer and nutrition coach.

Tonya McIntosh

Founder & Chief Editor


Tonya McIntosh is the Founder and Chief Editor of TGFFitness. She is a NASM-certified Nutrition Coach and Personal Trainer with over 8 years of experience. Finding motivation and consistency are common struggles Tonya has seen, which led her to start TGFFitness to help people prioritize health and wellness by making fitness accessible, approachable and sustainable.

Tonya holds a Bachelor’s in Fitness Management and a Master’s in Wellness and Lifestyle Management. Her professional and academic background makes her a reliable source of fitness knowledge and guidance.

Read Tonya’s full bio here

About Us

TGFFitness provides accessible, motivating fitness advice to help anyone reach their goals.

TGFFitness is a free online fitness platform providing advice, guides, reviews and other resources to support users’ fitness journeys. Our goal is to make fitness accessible, approachable and sustainable for people from all backgrounds.

With a team of credentialed fitness professionals, we create in-depth, well-researched content on all aspects of health, wellness and fitness. We aim to motivate and guide our community to meet their goals through impartial product reviews, customized plans, and science-backed workout and nutrition information.

Goals & Mission

We aim to make fitness approachable through science-backed content and support.

Our mission is to help people prioritize their health and well-being by making fitness accessible, approachable, and sustainable. To accomplish this, we:

  • Provide motivating, personalized guidance towards users’ fitness goals
  • Research and share tips backed by science and experts in the field
  • Offer unbiased reviews of popular equipment and products
  • Promote balance between physical health and mental well-being

Press contacts



+1 (407) 972-5361

Tgffitness stats

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About Us

Answers to common questions about TGFFitness.

TGFFitness was started by Tonya McIntosh after years of struggling with consistency in her own fitness routine. She aimed to create an encouraging, science-backed resource to help others stay motivated.

We take a personalized approach by offering tailored plans and advice from real professionals. Our goal is accessibility through free content and making fitness feel approachable, not intimidating.

Our team of NASM-certified personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and fitness experts writes and reviews all content to ensure it delivers accurate, helpful information to our community.

Media Mentions

TGFFitness has been featured in leading health, wellness, and fitness publications.