Time is often one of the biggest obstacles to staying fit. We’ve all experienced skipping exercise because of work, family, or other commitments.
So, how can you stay in shape without dedicating hours to the gym?
Today, I’ll guide you through two full-body abs workouts for women that you can do at home in under 20 minutes!
The 20-Minute Low-Impact High-Intensity Workout
The most effective ab workouts for women involve a low-impact high-intensity format. This flat belly workout is quick and fun. Plus, it includes various strength exercises for women who want a slim waist and solid core.
Workout Instructions
During this workout, you’ll do seven full-body exercises for 30 seconds each. You’ll rest for 15 seconds between each workout and then go into a second rep.
Workout Outline
Here’s a quick overview of the workout.
Warm Up:
Perform hamstring scoops, full shoulder rotations, and split squats. These warm-ups will give you better mobility and strength and prepare you for an intense workout.
Squats and Curls:
Grab your dumbbells and do 30 seconds of squats with alternating bicep curls.
Split Lunges and Deadlifts:
Holding both dumbbells, put your right foot forward and do a split lunge and deadlift.
Push Ups With Weights:
Do a push up then lift the dumbbell on your side. Be sure to set the dumbbells down with control.
Arm Presses:
Get on your knees and hike the dumbbell on one arm. Drive your leg forward at the same time.
Full Body Burpees:
Place both dumbbells in front of you and lay flat on your chest. Next, come up, hike your hips, and swing the dumbbells overhead.
Lateral Lunge Knee Drive:
Take one weight between two hands then lunge to the right. Go into a knee drive and hold.
Overhead Triceps:
Grab one weight and lift it over the back of your head.
Ab Burnout:
Finish strong with crunches as you lift your dumbbell to an extended leg. Hold the weight over your head then touch the dumbbell with both legs.
For more detailed instructions, you can follow along with guided ab workouts at home on YouTube!
20-Minute Strength Workout at Home
If you love hard ab workouts, this routine includes the best ab exercises and lower belly workouts!
Workout Instructions
Do this core gym workout for three sets of 30 to 50 seconds. You’ll rest for 5 to 15 seconds between each exercise.
Workout Outline
Here’s what you need to do.
Hollow Leg Circles:
Get on the floor and lift your arms as you make leg circles.
Leg Roll Outs:
Lift your legs and lower them slowly. Keep your hands behind your head.
V-Sit Scissors:
Sit up with your arms to the side. Lean back and crisscross one leg over the other.
Angled V-Crunch:
Stay in the same position and pull your knees towards your chest. Push your legs outwards to your left and right.
Twisting Chop:
Lay on the floor with arms outstretched, then twist and chop to the left. Lift your legs as you do.
Lean back once more and do some cycles.
Reverse Crunches:
Lay down then lift your glutes off the floor. Be sure to come down gently.
Leg Drops:
Place your arms to your sides and slowly pull your legs up and down.
Side Plank Reach Through:
Hold yourself on a side plank. Raise your arm then reach under your waist.
Roll Up Foot Tap:
Get on your back then use one hand to reach your opposite leg.
Bicycle Crunches:
Perform crunches while also cycling your legs.
Inverted Plank:
Go into a plank position then bring your knee into your chest.
Mountain Climbers:
In the same position, perform a series of jogging motions.
Plank Taps:
Jump from side to side while your arms are on the floor.
Hip Dips:
Get into a plank and dip your hips to the left and right.
You can watch the full video on this abs exercise on YouTube as well!
Quick Recap
Staying in shape doesn’t have to take much time. With these 20-minute workouts, you can strengthen your core with a few high-intensity exercises.
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I’m fitness coach Ashley Castleberry, an NASM-certified personal trainer and nutritionist, as well as a coach on an established YouTube Channel with over 1 million followers. With certifications from major fitness brands, I specialize in athletic, HIIT, and strength training. Leveraging my experience coaching clients on lifestyle changes, I provide customized exercise and nutrition guidance to help people reach their fitness goals, whether that be weight loss, muscle gain or overall health improvement.