Vertical Climber Benefits

Fact Checked

Tonya McIntosh

Tonya McIntosh—The main person behind TGFFitness as its Founder and Chief Editor. Get to know more about Tonya


A vertical climber is a fitness machine that helps to tone the muscles by stretching almost every muscle in the body. It is the perfect fitness machine that enables to lose excess weight by burning fats. It also provides cardio toning and helps the body to achieve a nice posture.

Vertical climbers improve stability and stamina. It is a low impact machine that helps to increase strength over time and helps to stay fit and healthy.

What are the benefits of vertical climbers?

There are plenty of benefits a vertical climber offers. Some of them are:

  • Low impact
  • Easy to operate
  • Quick workout
  • Trains the entire body
  • Increases stamina
  • Improves cardiovascular health
  • Tones the muscles
  • Calorie burning rate is high
  • Helps to lose weight
  • Helps to de-stress
  • Easy to store
  • Ideal for elderly people

1. Low-Impact

The good thing about vertical climber is the fact that it is a very low-impact work out. This benefit allows elderly people to work out without putting pressure on a certain joint or hurting a bone.

The low- impact workout is very beneficial for people who wants to improve their cardiovascular health without going through a high impact workout. This is also great for people who finds it difficult to run due to joint issues . During the climbing motions, the feet never hits the ground and so there is no impact on the hips, knees or feet.

2. Easy to operate

Operating the vertical climber is very practical and easy. There are no wires, buttons or LCD screen involved. The motion is very simple and anybody can start working out by hopping onto it.

The important thing to keep in mind while working out on a vertical climber is to make sure that the hips remain straight and the knees do not go over the foot . This will prevent any potential injuries by decreasing pressure on the joints.

The easy operation of this machine allows people to work out with ease and comfort.

3. Quick workout

Operating the vertical climber is very practical and easy. There are no wires, buttons or LCD screen involved. The motion is very simple and anybody can start working out by hopping onto it.

The important thing to keep in mind while working out on a vertical climber is to make sure that the hips remain straight and the knees do not go over the foot . This will prevent any potential injuries by decreasing pressure on the joints.

The easy operation of this machine allows people to work out with ease and comfort.

4. Trains the entire body

As stated earlier, vertical climbers are designed in such a way so that it trains almost the entire body.
The human body is divided into three parts. They are:

  • Upper body
  • Core part
  • Lower body

With the use of vertical climber all the three parts are stretched and there is no need to purchase different equipments for each part.

It tones and stretches all the muscles and helps to improves the body posture.

5. Increases stamina

Working out helps to improve and increase stamina over time. Vertical climbers are low effect fitness machine and they help to build stamina.

Increased stamina can help to stay active throughout the day and perform activities without heaving or sighing. For example : Walking up the stairs becomes easy and running errands does not have to be very tiring.

6. Improves cardiovascular health

Having a healthy heart is a sign of good health. Working out on a vertical climber helps to improve the cardiovascular health.

Cardio exercises are very intense and usually do not help in building muscles. With vertical climber, the heart health is improved and at the time muscles are also toned.

There is a measure called VO2 Max that helps to keep track of how much oxygen a body can utilize during exercises that are heavy. Inorder to test VO2 Max vertical climber machine is the best as it exhausts the body to the point that it is not possible to go for another round of exercise. It also increases the heart rate and breathing.

Studies shows that vertical climbing can help to maximize heart rate and improve higher VO2 Max in comparison to exercises like running or rowing.

7. Tones the muscle

Vertical climbers can help achieve a toned muscle look. This machine has been designed in a way to target almost every muscle in the body making it a complete full body workout.

Everybody wants to look fit and have a toned body. Vertical climber targets the glutes, arms, core, back and chest area while the body is in motion. It enables the person riding the fitness machine to target every muscle within a very short amount of time.

8. Calorie burning rate is high

As stated before, vertical climber is a great way to increase and improve cardiovascular health and with increase in heart rate, the calorie burning rate also increases.

According to studies, vertical climbers have the capacity of burning calories at a higher rate in comparison to other machines. This fact is debatable and many fitness company may disagree. However, it sure does increase the heart rate at a very short amount of work out time and this contributes to burning calories at very high rate. They are really effective and the results are impeccable.

9. Helps to lose weight

Losing extra weight is one of the benefits of a vertical climber. Since, the calorie burning rate is high, it helps to shed the extra fats quicker and help maintain a good looking body.

With daily usage of the vertical climber a person can maintains a good physique and stay fit without having to spend hours working out.

10. Helps to de-stress

Working out on a daily basis is great physical aspect of health but also amazing for the mental health. With proper stabilization of heart rate and muscle stretching, the brain receives the signal and induces good sleep.

It is especially beneficial for people who go through anxiety and stress. Working out on a vertical climber can combat or avert any sort of mental stress. With good amount of sleep and no stress, a person achieves great skin and looks healthy.

11. Easy to store

Vertical climbers are free from wires and they are compact in size. They are easy to store in any rooms of the house. Their easy storage makes it more ideal for daily workout. They also do not make any noise so they can be used early in the morning or late at night without disturbing other members of the family.

They are mostly collapsible and the user can choose to fold the machine and store it away. This feature is great when there is no room to place a fitness machine. They also has adjustable heights which can be beneficial for people who have shorter roof space at home.

12. Ideal for aged people

Elderly people usually suffer from joint pains and it can be difficult for them to work out or exercise. Running or jogging can also be difficult for them since a lot of pressure is put on the knees and feet. With vertical machine, an elderly person can work out without having to feel intense pain on their knees or feet and this machine is very low impact and helps increase the heart rate without high intense pressure on the joints.

Categories of Vertical Climber

Almost all Vertical climbers look similar but there are different categories to it. They are:

  • Merax vertical climber
  • Maxi vertical climber
  • Sunny folding vertical climber
  • Conquer vertical climber
  • WesloStepfit vertical climber

Vertical climbers are classified or categorized based on some extra features the machine has.

The Bottom Line

Staying fit does a lot of good things to the body. With working out regularly, the heart is healthy and the mind is in good space. With good mental health, a person is able to make good decisions and stay healthy.

Not everyone has enough time to dedicate daily to work out for hours. Having a vertical climber at home can enable busy people to stay fit without having to spend hours at a gym or on a treadmill.

Vertical climber has so many benefits and the best part about it is that it does not even require a person to sit on it for a full hour. Twenty five to thirty minutes on the climber daily can quickly help a person to lose weight, increase stamina and metabolism, improve skin and feel better.

With so many benefits to it, it also is very compact and easy to store. It does not require much maintenance either. It can be said that, vertical climbers are the ideal fitness machine which does many great things for the body.

Chief Editor
Tonya McIntosh

Hello there! My name is Tonya McIntosh, and I’m the Founder and Chief Editor of TGFFitness. I’m also a NASM-certified Nutrition Coach and Personal Trainer. With eight years of experience under my belt, I’ve found that one of the most common issues my clients struggle with is remaining consistent.

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