How Many Sit-Ups Should I Do a Day to Get Six Pack Abs?

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Tonya McIntosh

Tonya McIntosh—The main person behind TGFFitness as its Founder and Chief Editor. Get to know more about Tonya


man doing sit up for his abs

Are you muddled over the question of “How many sit ups should I do a day to get six pack abs?” Well, you certainly don’t have to worry about that anymore. I will share my own personal experience on how I have achieved six-pack abs through Sit-Ups.

I also struggled with the problem of having a protruding belly for years. I was ashamed to even take off my shirt at the beach or attend functions. I also knew that I would be prone to cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disturbances, and type 2 diabetes.

However, through a series of sit-ups, additional ab exercises, and calorie deficit, I was able to score the six-pack abs that I always wanted. You have to realize that only performing Sit-Ups won’t do the trick.

What Are Sit-Ups?

It consists of an exercise in which an individual lies flat on his/her back by lifting the torso to a sitting posture. They lie flat again without changing the posture of the legs. Sit-Ups were previously known to operate with the legs position in a straight manner, but now it is commonly seen to be in operation with the knees bent.

How Many Sit-Ups in a Day?

Since Sit-Ups are an excellent way to achieve a defined abdomen, you should realize that every individual follows different repetitions. Well, as for me, I committed to four different forms of Sit-Ups with at least 25-50 repetitions. Fortunately, this plan helped me get the sculpted abs that I always desired.

I have listed and discussed the four different Sit-Ups that you can do at home. I Believe they will be extremely helpful just like it did for me.

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Check out our article on How Long Should an Ab Workout Be?

Traditional Sit-Ups

Traditional Sit-Ups are effective and uncomplicated. They make a great addition to your exercise regime. Plus, you can always increase its intensity by utilizing an incline or weights. You can do this by following the pointers in a sequential manner.

  • Lie on your back by anchoring your feet and bending your knees.
  • Your chin should be tucking into your chest for lengthening the back of your neck.
  • Your fingers should be interlacing at the base of your skull. You can either use your hands to cross your arms on opposite shoulders or keep your palms downwards alongside your body.
  • Start exhaling as you begin lifting your upper body up right towards your thighs.
  • Start inhaling as you slowly begin to lower yourself back to the floor.

Stability Ball Sit Ups

woman on stability ball doing sit-ups

Traditional Sit-Ups are effective and uncomplicated. They make a great addition to your exercise regime. Plus, you can always increase its intensity by utilizing an incline or weights. You can do this by following the pointers in a sequential manner.

  • Keep your feet flatly on the floor and sit on the stability ball.
  • Bring your tailbone, shoulders, and back to the ball by slowly leaning back.
  • Start adjusting your legs to keep your knees above your ankles directly and to also keep your thighs parallel to the ground.
  • Your mid-back should be placed at the top of the ball.
  • Your fingers should be interlacing at the bottom of your skull. Your shoulder blades should be squeezing together, and your elbows should be drawn to the back.
  • Begin exhaling once you start engaging your core. Start bringing your torso towards the thighs by lifting the upper back right off the ball.
  • You have to stay paused in this posture and begin inhaling to steadily lower yourself upon the ball.


This exercise allows the development of balance, coordination, and strength. It is a more challenging one in comparison to the other three. Now you can start doing this by following the given steps:

  • Keep your arms expanded overhead and your legs out straight while lying flat on your back.
  • Raise your arms and feet toward the ceiling in a simultaneous manner.
  • Keep both your legs and chest lengthened at an angle.
  • You should keep your arms parallel to the ground.
  • You have to steadily lower down your back to the starting posture.

Elbow to Knee Sit Ups

Elbow to Knee Sit Ups

This workout permits a soft spinal twist by working both your internal and external obliques. You can execute this final session by following the given pointers:

  • Your fingers should be interlaced at the bottom of your skull while lying on your back.
  • Your knees should be bent, and your legs should be lifting off the floor.
  • You have to guide your right elbow towards your left knee by twisting your torso. You have to pull it into your chest.
  • Now you have to lengthen your right leg in a straight-out manner that is parallel to the ground.
  • Now you can execute it on the opposite side.

How to Perform a Proper Sit Up?

This is something you have to take into consideration before you get into it. I personally believe it will highly benefit beginners. You can follow these pointers by committing to at least 10 reps at a time.

  • First, you will need to lie down on your back.
  • Start bending your legs and firmly place your feet on the floor to stabilize the lower part of your body.
  • Cross the hands to your opposite shoulders without having to pull your neck. You can also place them right behind your ears.
  • Curl the upper part of your body up towards your knees. You have to take it all the way up and start exhaling as you lift.
  • You have to return to your starting point by steadily lowering yourself down. Start inhaling as you lower yourself.

How to Perform a Proper Sit Up?

You can garner a decent amount of exercise for your lower legs during a Sit-Up by hooking both your feet together.

How to Perform a Proper Sit Up?

guy at the gym doing sit-up

Sit-Ups do wonders in working the abdominals and other muscle groups such as the chest, neck, hip flexors, and the lower back. Muscle cells are more active metabolically in comparison to fat cells. So, they tend to burn calories even during rest.

Sit-Ups will build and develop your muscles in the long run. The strong core muscles will easily improve the posture, which in turn will enhance the appearance without losing mass weight.

Health Tip

If you have ever come across any health injuries in the past, then it is best to first consult your doctor. You can affect your neck and lower back during Sit Ups.

How to Perform a Proper Sit Up?

You might want to incorporate Sit Ups in your exercise regime because it carries an array of health benefits.

Enhanced Muscle Mass

It is no surprise that Sit-Ups develops muscle strength in the hip muscles and the abdomen. Studies have shown that women who performed Sit-Ups possessed an increased level of function and muscle mass than the women who didn’t.

Balance and Stability

Sit-Ups tend to coordinate the functioning of your pelvis, hip muscles, and the lower back with your abdominal muscles. You won’t fall and injure yourself during your daily athletic activities. You can expect your body to be perfectly balanced at all times.

Improved Posture

Developing a solid and strong core tends to keep your shoulders, hips, and spine in a perfect alignment that leads to posture improvement. You will have reduced tension and pain, elevated energy levels, and breathing.

Core Strength

Well, as you know that this is one of the biggest motivators for Sit-Ups. You can eradicate injuries and back pain by strengthening, toning, and tightening your core. It allows greater ease and movability during daily activities

Athletic Performance

Performing Sit Ups will offer you proper form, posture, and stability. It will allow you to perform athletic activities at higher levels with physical activities. Plus, you will be experiencing less fatigue, as well.

Elevated Flexibility

The stiffness in your hips and spine will only loosen up after moving your spine. Sit-Ups boost mobility and relieve tightness and tension by making our hips more flexible. You will notice enhanced concentration and circulation, elevated energy levels, and reduced stress with higher flexibility.

Reduced Health Risks

Sit-Ups also develops the strength of your lower back, pelvis, and hips. You will have a solid firm center that will reduce the risk of backache and injury. You just have to be careful during Sit Ups.

Improved Diaphragm

Sit-Ups allow the excellent practice of diaphragm breathing. It leads to compression of the abdominal muscles that positively impacts the diaphragm. It is beneficial for enhancing the respiratory system.

Summing it Up

Sit-Ups will beautify your abdominal appearance and the overall physique. But for me, I didn’t solely depend on Sit Ups to achieve the Six Pack Abs set. The only true way to successfully get a Six Pack Abs is via strengthening of abdominal muscles and eradicating the subcutaneous fat present in our body.

You have to follow a strict exercise regime that includes Sit Ups, cardio exercises, other abs exercises, and a healthy diet. The beginning can be a struggle, but the results that you will get at the end will be worth it. I am rooting for you!

Chief Editor
Tonya McIntosh

Hello there! My name is Tonya McIntosh, and I’m the Founder and Chief Editor of TGFFitness. I’m also a NASM-certified Nutrition Coach and Personal Trainer. With eight years of experience under my belt, I’ve found that one of the most common issues my clients struggle with is remaining consistent.

Finding your main motivator to keep going is easier said than done for Keep Reading.

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